Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP: The Launch of the Beaver Island Institute, 2016

In 2016, the CRWP did not hold a traditional summer institute. Instead we started a new adventure!

The Beaver Island Institute!

This week-long, intensive workshop at Central Michigan University’s Biological Station on Beaver Island, takes advantage of the island’s unique biodiversity to explore language arts, science, and the arts. Initially, the institute paired science and literacy teachers from the same school. For the week, they could work to integrate the Next Generation Science Standards through interdisciplinary, inquiry-based learning. The institute happened each summer from 2016-2019. Although disrupted by COVID-19, the institute returned in 2022, 2023, and will happen again this year!

This kind of institute offers teachers a unique opportunity to explore, collaborate, and plan for the coming school year in an immersive setting.

Read more about CRWP’s Beaver Island experience on our website here: https://chippewariverwp.org/beaverisland/.

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