Ignite Lifelong Literacy: A CRWP Approach S1.E5 (Podcast)

Lyndsay and Becky discuss self care, summer break, and the end of the school year in the season finale. After this, they will be taking a break and be back in the fall!

Listen below or subscribe on Spotify!

Resource List

Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally responsive teaching & the brain: Promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students. Corwin.

Johnson, Matthew. (2020). Flash feedback: Responding to student writing better and faster – without burning out. Corwin.

Stuart, D. J. (2023). The will to learn: Cultivating student motivation without losing your own. Corwin.

Gordon, Berit. The Joyful Teacher: Strategies for Becoming the Teacher Every Student Deserves. Heinemann, 2020.

Here is the link to the transcript: 

We are excited to continue to learn, grow, and write with all of you! Feel free to comment or ask your questions below or you can reach out at: ignitecrwppodcast383@gmail.com.

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