Category: Summer Institute
Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP: The 2017-2018 School Year
As we continue our walk down memory lane, we’ll feature our 2017-2018 school year. It was a busy one for the CRWP! We tried out a modified version of the invitational leadership institute by partnering with Cadillac Area Public Schools to implement the ILI over the course of the school year in a single district.…
Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP: The 2015 Institute
As we continue to look back over 15 years of the CRWP, today we remember the 2015 summer invitational institute. In 2015, we did something a little different. Past TCs were invited back with a partner or two from their home school. This meant we could go back to our schools after the institute and…
Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP – The 2013 Summer Institute
It’s Throwback Thursday as we celebrate CRWP’s 15th anniversary by looking back over the years at past institutes and celebrating all of the CRWP teachers! In 2012, CRWP held a one-week workshop rather than the typical 4- week institute. If you attended, please let us know in the comments. In 2013, CRWP once again held…
Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP: The 2011 Summer Institute
We’re celebrating the 15th anniversary of the CRWP with a look back at past summer institutes. This time, we are remembering the 2011 summer institute. In 2011, Director Troy Hicks was traveling during the summer, so the institute was led by Liz Brockman, Sue Steffel, Penny Lew, and Kathy Kurtze. Nine teachers participated that summer…
Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP: The 2010 Institute and the Launch of Youth Camps
This year, the CRWP celebrates its 15th anniversary! Each week, we are looking back and celebrating all of our participants through the years.The 2010 summer institute was the second institute the CRWP hosted since becoming a site of the National Writing Project. Seventeen teachers from mid-Michigan attended the 2010 invitational summer institute led by Troy…
Celebrating 15 Years of CRWP: The 2009 Summer Institute
Fifteen years ago, the CRWP was a new site of the National Writing Project and hosted its first summer institute at CMU. Troy Hicks, Elizabeth Brockman, and Penny Lou Lew led the institute. The 13 participants from the summer of 2009 stayed involved for years and some are still on our leadership team today!