Category: National Council of Teachers of English
Announcing Manuscript Day 2017
The Chippewa River Writing Project aims to provide youth and fellow community members with unique opportunities to write and learn about themselves as writers. Join us for our second annual Manuscript Day – Saturday, April 22, 2017. Local students who are currently in grades 3-8 are welcome to join us for Manuscript Day. Instructors for the…
Upcoming Presentation: Argument in the Real World
Please join us for a free professional development event on Thursday, September 29, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, in 314 Anspach Hall as Dr. Kristen Hawley Turner and Dr. Troy Hicks present “Argument in the Real World.” (Flyer PDF) This presentation is co-sponsored by the NCTE@CMU, the Chippewa River Writing Project, & Teacher Education and Professional…
Seven CRWP Teachers Present at National Conferences
Most teachers attend a conference for professional development, many choose to go to local events, a few go to national, and even fewer present at a national level… Chippewa River Writing Project is present at all levels. Since the inception of Chippewa River Writing Project (CRWP) in 2009, we have been involved at a national…